The True Reasons Your Web Guy Doesn't Message Back

3 Reasons You Could Be Hurting Your Business

You don’t know how many times we’ve heard sad stories from clients who had to leave their former marketing agency behind because of poor communication.

“I can’t get my website updated.”
“I’ve emailed and called several times, and I’m not getting a reply.”

It always reminds me of the personal injury lawyer Wayne Wright commercials, “You deserve respect and justice… so we demand it.”

Sometimes, it’s straight-up time to fire your old agency and hire us. Haha. Kidding, not kidding. Other times, there are things you can do to clear up the lines of communication so that you both get what you need.

Here are 3 reasons your web guy doesn't message back.

1. You don’t know how to keep it simple.

It goes something like this… You email your website manager to get some text and a couple photos on your website updated. Three days, two emails, and four attempted calls later – you still haven’t heard back from them. They could just be poor communicators themselves, or it could be that your requests are not simple.

Make sure you’re not telling they more than they need to know in the same email. Keep your request quick and to the point. Tell them exactly what page the edit is for (include the URL), and put the text or attach the new image you want into the email.

Designers are not magicians. “I’ll know it when I see it,” should not be your go-to response.

Often your web guy is a designer (think what Marcus is to Marken Media Co.) and not a writer (what Kennan is to Marken).

You may think you are communicating clearly, but you’re really just sending a long-winded email for them to decipher, and it overwhelms them. They’re lost before they even make it to your email signature, thus putting off their reply to you.

2. You don’t know how to explain what you want.

Another reason you might not be hearing back is you aren’t explaining what you actually need done.

Designers are often visual people. Sometimes just snapping a photo of the item and striking through the edit with a Sharpie is a quick way to communicate “this goes here” or “move this over here.”

An easy way to tell if you are explaining things clearly is to send a voice text. If you can articulate your thoughts verbally better than through written word, send them a voice memo.  

3. They’re not the right fit.

Lastly, your web guy might not be messaging you back because they are no longer a good fit. You shouldn’t have to wait weeks for simple updates and barring normal office hours and weekends, sending a quick “I’m working on this” message in response to your request shouldn’t be that difficult.

Marcus and I help established small businesses make their original DIY marketing and brand level up to their current success and quality service.

Your business and brand should look and feel as premium and personal on its first impression as it does to your best repeat customer.

Want to work with us? You can schedule a 15-minute chat with us here.