Freebies to grow your business
Social media workshop
Have you struggled to keep up with your social media? Not sure what to post? You need interactions on social media to lead to sales, otherwise, what's the point? In our jam-packed session, Kennan unpacks how to connect without being salesly, ways to develop a consistent brand presence, and get you inspired to move the needle in your business through the power of being social.
idea workshop
Marcus shares stories to get your wheels turning, inspiring you to give space for both having and implementing your new, big ideas in your life and your business. You'll laugh, you might sing, and you will get tons of inspiration. This is especially great for small business owners, dreamers, and doers.(Workshop previously recorded)
Ideal Client™ MINI
Does your marketing speak to your ideal client? Since 2017, we have been helping small businesses succeed. We elevate YOU by helping your brand look and feel premium and personal. This often starts with your brand tone of voice. If you're trying to appeal to the masses, then you are missing out on deep connections with your ideal clients. (Think attract the best and repel the rest.)
Bible Verses for Business Owners
We have a brand new FREE download for you. It contains 16 Bible verses to encourage small business owners and entrepreneurs. You're going to want to print them and post these all over your office!