Do you do well with change?
When I went to Walmart for a gallon of milk I realized I don’t do well with change.
Even though things are fine just the way they are, whoever is in charge of the grocery store layout decided they need a little job security or they did some sort of new “follow the customer through the store” study and proved that sales would increase if they started changing everything around on us.
Stuff is not where it should be.
I found myself lost. In Walmart of all places.
And with the news headlines lately, I found myself wondering what kind of country our kids will inherit from us. And before you start to worry about me or try to figure out which way we plan to vote, it got me thinking: No matter who is in the White House – our business can succeed.
Because the success - or failure - of a business is not primarily determined by who is in the White House, but by who is in your house.
We’ve been business owners when there was a republican president; we’ve been business owners when there was a democrat president. We’ve been business owners during a global pandemic; we’ve been business owners before the world even knew what the word pandemic meant.
Your success starts with you.
You are the secret sauce.
You are the reason you either stop or start. Quit or continue. Stagnate or grow.
Today is your chance to change the way you think about your business.
Choose not to blame (or praise) the economy. Choose not to blame (or praise) the president.
Let the economic/political/societal realities we find ourselves in cause you to pivot and mobilize, solve a new problem, make a new offer, build an even better version of your business for yourself and your future customers.
The jewelry counter might be where the men’s oversized t-shirts used to be, and women’s shoes are now where the diapers were. The world can go nuts. Apps might get banned. Interest rates might get frozen. Social media algorithms will change. The world’s hope will disappoint.
As believers in Jesus, Marcus and I know that our ultimate hope doesn’t disappoint. So even as small business owners, we can rejoice. We can endure. Build character. Hope.
Though all around you, my fellow small business owner, may be changing and shifting faster than you feel you can keep up — the love of God is still being poured out.
There is still work for you to do.
(And you don’t need a “follow the customer through the store” study to prove that!)
As far as it depends on you, you can live at peace with your neighbor. You can put your best foot forward in your marketing. You can launch a website that mirrors your 5-star service. You can commit to consistency no matter the headlines or the store shelves.
As for excursions to the local Walmart and finding my way around — there’s at least one thing I know we can all count on — the milk will always be at the back of the store.
Until next time,
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