Why You Need to Repeat Yourself

You're not being heard.

“I can’t hear you. What did you say?” “So what do you do?” As a mom and entrepreneur, I know the feeling of having to repeat myself!  But as frustrating as it may be, repetition is a key component of effective marketing for your small business.

If you’ve around for at least five years, you know that attracting and retaining customers is so so important. And one of the BEST WAYS to do that is to REPEAT your message, loud and clear.

But what should you repeat? 

You should repeat the problem that your customer faces. What pain points are they experiencing? What challenges are they trying to overcome? By "pressing the bruise," or highlighting their struggles, you can demonstrate how your product or service can solve their problem.

For example, if you are a home baker, your customer's pain might be that they want a Pinterest-worthy party, but they can't create the cake they dream of on their own. So, show them how you can solve that problem by creating a beautiful Cocomelon-themed cake for their celebration. 

But how do you raise your voice and get noticed? 

Think slogan, not autobiography. The LESS you say about what you do, the more likely people will remember you. Keep your messaging simple, catchy, and to the point. Especially when creating flyers or putting words onto images with a tool like Canva. Less really is more.

Does it all match?

And don't forget to make sure that your messaging matches across all channels. Are your main offerings highlighted on your website homepage? Or do viewers have to go several clicks deep to find what they’re looking for? Is your online presence from Google Business to Facebook telling customers what they need to know?

Double-check that your website, social media channels, and in-person experiences are all telling the same story.

Lastly, take your marketing to the next level by looking at your website analytics. What are your most popular posts or tabs? What search terms are leading people to your site? Use this information to refine your repeatable message even further and ensure that every aspect of your marketing strategy aligns with your brand's core.

Don't be afraid to repeat yourself. 

Keep pressing the bruise, and be loud and clear about how your product or service can solve your customer's pain points. Remember, the more you repeat your message, the more likely people will remember YOU.

Ready to get to work? Let’s see if we’re a good fit. Book a 15-minute call HERE.

Here's the scoop on Galm Realty:

  • Their old website was giving them trouble — they couldn’t get basic text edits made in a timely manner, the look was no longer current or mobile friendly, and then came a surprise bill from their former provider for thousands of dollars. 

  • Their new website spotlights the top reasons you need a LOCAL realtor (not just an app) to buy or sell a property, features the faces of their multi-generational and knowledgeable team, and makes it easy to search ALL the Galm listings – both those on and off MLS. 

  • Watch the Before & After VIDEO on our Instagram.

  • Check out Galm Real Estate's new website HERE.

  • Check out reviews for Marken Media Co. from Galm Realtors HERE and HERE.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways we can help you…

  1. Need help with social media? Learn tips and tricks during our FREE social media for business workshop. Watch the workshop here.

  2. Get our free Marken Map™ MINI to find out how to take your business marketing from “blah” this feels like a waste of time… to “ahhh” as you watch those leads and clients roll in. Download your Marken Map™ MINI now.

  3. Get inspired and do big things. Are you a dreamer? We share stories to get your wheels turning, inspiring you to give space for both having and implementing your new, big ideas in your life and your business in our ideas workshop. Watch the workshop here.