Poptarts are for Breakfast. Easy 1-2-3 Steps You Need to Copy.
As a small business owner, you know that building trust with your customers is key to your success. But how do you do that? One way is by having a repeatable process that you can share with them. It not only shows that you have a plan, but it also gives them peace of mind and helps them know what to expect when working with you.
Think about it - when you go to buy something, don't you want to know what you're getting into? That's where your 1-2-3 process comes in. It's an easy, step-by-step plan that shows your potential customers how you can help them solve their problem. And it can be as simple as "call for a quote" or "schedule a consultation."
Take a cue from Pop-Tarts, for example. They spell out their 1-2-3 process right on the box, showing shoppers exactly how to solve their hunger problem.
Step 1: remove the Pop-Tart from the pouch.
Step 2: cook it.
Step 3: let it cool.
It's a simple, obvious plan that anyone can follow.
So, how can you apply this concept to your own business? Start by sharing your 1-2-3 process on your website. As Donald Miller, the CEO of StoryBrand and Business Made Simple, recommends, include a "Plan" section on your homepage. It's a great way to let potential customers know what they can expect when they work with you.
And what might your 1-2-3 process look like?
It could be as easy as:
Step 1: The call.
Step 2: The meeting.
Step 3: The work.
Remember, it's not just about having a process - it's about sharing that process with your customers. It's about making it easy for them to understand how you can help them solve their problem. So don't be afraid to spell it out for them. With a clear plan in place, you'll be well on your way to building trust and growing your business.
If you're ready to take your business to the next level, book a call with us today.