3 Reasons Why You Need to Start a Blog for Your Business

You may not think of yourself as a writer. You might have hated writing papers in school. But having a blog for your business website is a goldmine of opportunity you could be missing out on. That’s because your blog works for you even when you’re asleep.

When our oldest son was a toddler, he broke his femur in a freak fall. The accident led to him being in spica cast for several weeks. Our bouncy, happy 2-year-old was now going to be confined to laying on the couch for two whole months. I immediately went looking for ideas on what to do. How could we entertain him? What could we do to help him survive this long wait as he healed?

After hours of scouring the internet gathering ideas — we had a game plan. We got our big stroller out and wheeled him just about everywhere — the store, church, even around the house. We found a giant bean bag chair we could easily move from room to room. We got a magnetic fishing game and lots of new books and movies from the local library. Diapering was a challenge. Bathing was impossible. And the atrophy of both his legs after being in a cast that long was also an ordeal. The truth? We got really creative.

Then, after enduring those two months together, we shared our story on a personal blog. Those tips and real-life spica cast hacks that got us through a difficult season could help others.

We are now several years past the ordeal, and I’ve updated the blog to include his health update. Jaxson is growing just fine. He runs and plays just like any other kid his age. You’d never know he’d broken his leg when he was 2.

I still get tons of visits to that blog.

Turns out breaking a leg at the age is uncommon, but common. People searching for the information are finding ours and being helped.

I bet you use that same creativity to address problems you and your customers face. The things you know can help others. And with a blog on your website, you’re not limited to the people who already know you exist. Here are 3 reasons why you need to start a blog — no matter what industry you are in.

1. You know things other people don’t know.

Are you a business owner? Well then, you are an expert! You know many things that other people don’t know. Your customers pay you MONEY in order to solve their problems. Are their problems insurmountable? Impossible? Unsolvable? To you, NO. But to your customers, YES. That’s why they gladly pay you to fix it for them.

What is the main problem your business solves? How can you share that knowledge? You can showcase your knowledge on your blog.

Still not sure you can write? Talk it out first. Try using a voice recorder like the one on your smartphone. Talk through the problem your customers often face and how you solve it while the phone records. Then listen back to your recording as you type. A good place to start is 300 words for gaining discussion and engagement. If you’re looking to harness that word power to build, adequate for search engine optimization (SEO), experts recommend shooting for 2,000 words, or what would take about 7 minutes to read.

2. You can reach more people with your expertise.

Viewers scroll through their social media mini-feed quickly. They zoom past advertisements on everything from TV, billboards, or print. An engaging post leading to your blog can help you connect with fans and followers on a deeper level. You can share stories, insights, and downloads on your blog. PLUS, while they’re on your website for the blog they might explore your “about” or “services” tab to learn more about you.

Your blog will nurture relationships to lead people to connect with you in more ways. That’s where your call to action (CTA) comes in. You should post your CTA throughout your blog. Once near the beginning and then again near the end. Have readers sign up for a freebie, an upcoming event, or submit their email address to get a special coupon code.

Speaking of CTA, here’s one of mine! ;)

3. You can turn followers into customers by giving value.

Let’s face it, some businesses start a website and have a “set it and forget it” attitude. But you need fresh content on your website in order to appear relevant to search engines like Google. A stagnant website is kind of like a stagnant body of water. Ain’t nobody wanna swim in that!

By writing blogs that share your knowledge, you educate your readers and give them value. That added value builds trust and relationship. And when the time is right, your potential customer will be ready to become a paying customer.

Need help starting a content calendar of ideas specific to your business? I’d love to help you create a strategic content calendar. You can use your content calendar to create blog posts as well as get ideas for social media content for your business. You can take the plan and run with it, or hire us to implement it for you. Book a call. Let’s chat.