7 Reasons Your Website is a Cow Patty

(Read this in your best Clampett accent)

There are lies you believe about your website. You ought not to be doing that. So let’s face the truth, address your real problems, and build a better business. 

15 seconds. That’s all you get. 

The average amount of time spent on a website before a person decides whether or not to move on is 15 seconds. If you are making these hillbilly blunders, you’re three pounds of crazy in a two gallon bucket. You are missing connections and missing conversions. 

1. Your website is like a trifold brochure… from 10 years ago. (That was 2012 by the way). 
Your website is stagnant. It’s got old pictures of old people who don’t even work for you anymore. The home page feels like the worst elevator pitch you’ve ever heard because you are trying to cram every little detail in. You think they care how you started your business. So you put that long drawn-out story first. But what they really want to know is, Can you fix their problem? Can you be trusted? What does it cost? Your life story can be told on the second date.

Your website is an opportunity to introduce yourself. People want to meet youThe actual plumber coming to their house to fix their leaky washing machine drain. Not some stock image of a perfectly pretty lady holding a wrench who is definitely not a plumber that you found on iStock.

2. It’s OK if some of the links don’t work. 

Can you click on your phone number at the bottom of the homepage and call you? Can you click the email address on the contact button and start an email? Does every social media icon on your website go to the REAL YOU or does it lead to the Wix Facebook page or say “Page not Found”? 

Links matter. Try this. Try to click this. Now imagine that was the number you needed to call or the button that was supposed to let you see a product. To click on a link that doesn’t work is frustrating to your website guests. Be an excellent Southern host by having links that work. 

3. People will keep clicking until they find what they’re looking for.

The longstanding theory in the web design world has been that people will click up to three times in order to get to the information they want. Others say if a user feels like they’re on the right path they’ll click up to 7 times. Why does it matter?

You need to make every click count. If there are not breadcrumbs of helpful information with each click, or you’re making them hunt for something that could easily be just a button on your homepage — you’re missing out on connections. 

Remember: Missing connections means missing conversions. 

4. Your website is missing key information. 

Your hours, your address, your menu for the hungry mom seeking takeout for supper! What do you always get questions about? Is that information on your website? 

5. Your website does not work on a mobile phone. 

As of 2022, about 62% of all website traffic is on cellphones. If your website is not responsive (meaning it does not automatically resize itself for mobile viewers) then you are leaving your poor guests the problem of trying to read teeny tiny fonts and click buttons after stretching the screen to try and make it bigger. Also, you will hurt your search rankings for mobile devices because the Great Mighty Search Engine knows you are not friendly to their small-screen friends.

6. Your showing your redneck side. 

“You’re” is a contraction of “you are.” “Your” shows possession and means something belongs to you.

So... You’re showing your redneck side if you have multiple grammar mistakes and spelling issues throughout your website. It makes your global business look Podunk because spell check is probably a feature on your website builder. Not to mention you just embarrassed your third-grade teacher. Just use spell check and have your aunt who loves English take a gander at it every now and again.

7. You don't care nothing about ranking.

Over 25% of users click the first search result in Google. Your top-of-the-pack ranking matters. Go ahead. Google your product, service, or business name and see what comes up. Add your geographic area on a few searches.

For instance, “professional plumbing in south Texas” or “plumber near me.”

If you love freedom, you probably don’t agree with everything Google does, but ignoring them altogether isn’t the answer to helping you succeed in the marketplace. If you don’t make an effort to have correct info out there for the 88% of users who type into the search engine every day, what’s the point?  

If you are not ranking well — having a free Google Business page, paying a little attention to your SEO, adding fresh content with keywords, and submitting your site for mapping can go a long way.

That's it. That's all we got.

If you made it to the end of this here blog, then I bet you are fixinto address the problems we just uncovered. And if you wanna chat with Marcus and myself, I promise we don’t bite. There are no surprises. You can find out how we work here. You can see our packages and real pricing here.

Remember, there might be a 3 second rule when you drop something on the kitchen floor, but you’ve got 15 seconds to connect with your internet guests. Make every second count.

Marken Media Co