Turning 30: Full hands and full heart

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I (Kennan) celebrated my 30th birthday Saturday. Yep, I'm a youngin!

Marcus took baby Emi and I out for breakfast while Nana watched the boys. With three kids age 4 and under we definitely have our hands full, but we're trying to soak up every moment.

We couldn't have imagined what starting a business would look like and it's such a privilege to get to do what we love.

My day-to-day adventures often include building wooden train tracks, blowing up balloons, and sneaking a bowl of ice cream. Some days, I join Marcus at Marken (a whopping one mile commute!) to work on a project or answer emails. Others, I'm full-time mom by day, marketing manager/blog writer by night!

Because Marken has the dual purpose of being both our space and a place for others to CREATE • COLLABORATE • CELEBRATE we have had the opportunity to meet some pretty cool people over the past year.

We are thankful for you, the community in which we live and serve. Be sure to mark your calendar for Saturday, October 19. We'll be celebrating one year since we opened our doors on College Ave. during the Marken Mocktail.

Marken Media Co